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Herzing University

Jessica Dickenson

How Knack Is Transforming Tutoring


Picture this: it is two in the morning, 与一小时前相比,你对考试概念的理解并没有更深入. Between your full-time job and classes, you were able to cram in some study time, but you’re still struggling. After scouring through your notes, deep diving into YouTube crash courses, and texts to your best friend in the class go unanswered, you realize you might be in trouble.

当你继续在互联网的各个角落滚动,试图找到一个可以向你解释内容的资源时, 知道在上午8点考试之后才有校内辅导, the situation looks bleak. This is where Knack comes in!

Knack是一个提供全天候在线辅导的学习平台,为特定课程提供同伴辅导和指导. Herzing大学很荣幸能与Knack合作,为学生提供持续的教育资源.

Why Knack?

Whether in-person or online, morning or night, 1-on-1 or in a group with a friend, Knack focuses on accessibility to students.

One of the most significant shifts observed post-pandemic 是否对支助服务的灵活性和可及性有更高的要求. 学生分布在8个州的11个校区,还有一个在线部门, Herzing大学与Knack合作,为所有学生提供更大的学术支持.

In addition to on-campus tutoring services, 学生可以在任何时间,无论地点使用Knack Canvas Student Resource Center.  As a result, students can access academic support not only whenever they need it, but also wherever they need it!

It’s Easy to Use

读到这里,您可能会想:“太好了,现在您该如何访问这些资源呢??” To get started with KnackHerzing的学生只需要完成四个简单的步骤:   

  • Create an account with your HU email address.
  • 提交申请,并审查您感兴趣的课程的合格导师.
  • Select your tutor and schedule a session.
  • Meet with your tutor online or in person.

Knack is available both online and on mobile applications. All students, regardless of their circumstances, 是否有机会获得学业和个人发展所需的资源和帮助.

Unlock Support for Every Course

学生应该利用这些全面的支持服务有几个原因. 软件下载的导师不只是普通的学习伙伴,他们是40多个学科领域的专家. 无论你是深入研究化学还是揭开护理计算的奥秘, Knack can help!

更妙的是:你可以在你的热门问题或论文上进行射击, and within 24 hours, you'll have some top-notch feedback headed your way. 除此之外,它还超级方便(不再有深夜学习的恐慌)!), it's also a game-changer for your learning journey. With tailored support at your fingertips, 你会像专业人士一样应对挑战,很快就会走向成功.

Peer Tutors

Peer tutors, 具备特定机构的知识和第一手经验, 为他们的同伴提供独特的支持和理解. But don’t just take our word for it! The results ultimately speak for themselves. A 2022 study found:

  • 89.4%的学生认为Knack上的导师帮助他们提高了成绩
  • 96.5%的学生表示,Knack上的导师帮助他们建立了对学习的信心
  • 99.8% Knack session satisfaction rate

另外一个好处是,Knack的许多导师都是赫zing大学的学生,他们通常和你上的是同一门课! 一些导师不仅会理解你的学科领域, 但他们也会明白,作为一名赫哲学生,参加你的课程意味着什么!

As higher education progresses, 院校必须调整和创新其支持服务,以满足学生不断变化的需求. 接受同伴辅导作为学生支持的一个基本方面可以提高学习成绩和学生的全面成长. Are you ready to take your studies to the next level? Let's do this, with Knack!

Learn More About Our Career Programs


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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