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Advance 你的 career to 精神科精神健康执业护士(PMHNP)

无论你处于护理生涯的哪个阶段, Herzing大学为您提供独特的MSN和DNP教育途径,使您成为一名精神科心理健康护理从业者.

Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP Smiling with Adult Patient
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner PMHNP with Patient
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner with Patient


认证CCNE认证,1 获高等教育委员会认可
选项选项 for nurses who hold an ADN/ASN, BSN, or MSN degree
支付学费奖学金 和 financial aid available for those who qualify; transfer credit from prior college coursework to reduce cost 和 time
临床软件下载保证 你的 clinical placement
快速通道转移信用, stackable credentials, 和自适应学习技术,为学生更快地接受高等教育搭建了一条通道
Waived enrollment fee 类 start July 8th
Discover 你的 potential


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U.S. 新闻2024最佳在线课程毕业护理

排名 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 as one of the best online graduate nursing programs in 2024



软件下载知道,作为PMHNP幸运28计划的一部分,确保临床实习是学生面临的最大问题之一. Herzing在, 软件下载通过逐步的临床指导流程提供指导和支持,以确保您能够获得所需的临床实践经验.

As a Herzing student, 软件下载鼓励你找到自己的导师和临床场所,因为这样做有很多好处. However, we provide extensive support should you find difficulty along the way. With Herzing, you are 从来没有 独自一人.

Because of our strong relationships with healthcare providers across the U.S. 以及软件下载全面的临床指导流程, we are confident in our ability to help you find clinical placement. So much so that if you are unable to find a clinical site 独自一人, we pledge to step in 和 help you secure clinical placement.*

* Subject to terms 和 conditions outlined in the enrollment documents.

Scholarship Opportunity

You may be eligible for the Herzing University Nurses Circle of Achievement Scholarship.

资格要求包括在本科护理课程中获得的最低GPA, 在整个MSN幸运28计划中保持最低GPA.



学费 & 成本

学费 & 成本

软件下载的目标是 你的 career advancement. 这就是为什么软件下载一直在努力改进软件下载的课程和流程,使软件下载的护士执业幸运28计划尽可能负担得起,同时为你的工作成功做好最好的准备.

Overall cost can be reduced through transfer credit from prior college coursework, scholarships 和 grants贷款VA 和 military benefits, 和 several additional options for financial aid.

With Herzing University, you are 从来没有 alone, 软件下载提供很多选择来帮助你投资自己, earn 你的 master’s degree in nursing 和 become a leader in nursing.

  • Pathways to Success

    Many of our online programs offer pathways for continued learning, 让你从一个角度移动, such as an associate degree, to a bachelor’s degree, to a master’s degree.

  • Flexible 和 Convenient

    在舒适的家中获得学位. 没有规定你必须上网的时间. You can log into 你的 virtual classroom when it’s convenient for you.

  • Personalized Attention


  • 在线 和/or On-校园

    Get the best of both worlds. 软件下载的一些学位课程是专门在线提供的,有些课程是校园和在线课程的结合.

I don’t have a nursing degree. 我从哪里开始呢??

If you have already earned a non-nursing bachelor’s degree, there are two potential educational pathways in nursing we’ve designed with you in mind:

  • Accelerated BSN (ABSN) program. Our on-campus ABSN program, 可在赫京部分校区购买, 允许你在短短20个月内获得护理学学士学位(BSN)(大多数学生在24个月内完成).
  • MSN Direct Entry program. 从软件下载的在线直接进入MSN计划开始,开始朝着护理学硕士(MSN)的方向努力. 你可以在短短20个月内毕业.

如果你还没有获得任何专业的本科学位,你需要先获得一个 护理学副学士 or BSN.

一旦你获得了本科护理学位, 你就有资格注册MSN, post master’s certificate, 或BSN到DNP计划与PMHNP专业化.

Herzing 护理 Student with Non-护理 Bachelor's Degree in Intensives

常见 问题

PMHNP的角色可以与精神科医生重叠, 心理学家, social workers 和 other healthcare professionals who routinely perform psychotherapy. 然而,每个角色的总实践范围是不同的,并且因国家要求而异.

精神病-心理健康护士从业人员持有护理学硕士或博士学位, 而精神科医生是一名上过医学院并完成了精神病学住院医师培训的医生.

PMNHPs可以做很多精神科医生做的事情, including psychotherapy, prescribing medications, developing 和 managing treatment plans 和 educating patients 和 their families.

Psychiatrists are typically able to treat more complex types of disorders, 但PMNHPs可以治疗许多常见的疾病,比如焦虑, 抑郁症, 注意缺陷障碍(ADD), 精神分裂症, substance abuse/addiction, 还有更多.

这取决于你在哪个州练习. Qualifying for NP school is not the same as qualifying for NP jobs. You may not need to be a Registered Nurse (RN) to qualify for an NP degree program, but some employers may require a minimum amount of RN experience from NP job applicants.

No. To become a nurse practitioner, 你需要获得护理学硕士(MSN)或护理实践博士(DNP)学位.

根据 Bureau of Labor Statistics在美国,护士从业人员的平均工资为 $128,490 每年($61.78 每小时).*

专门从事精神病学/心理健康的护士可以通过获得委员会认证来增加他们的收入潜力, gaining valuable experience 和 continuing their education.

了解更多关于 how much NPs can make,包括各州的细分和对几个独特医疗机构的估计.


Herzing合作伙伴的员工可以通过之前的工作或军事经验获得大学学分, transfer existing credit, or earn a scholarship to make going back to school more affordable.

If you are currently an RN considering becoming a nurse practitioner, view our educational partnerships 或者向你的雇主了解潜在的可能性.


Both of those common 护士执业专业类型 是否有很高的回报,是否代表着注册护士在职业生涯中向前迈出了一大步.

  • Choose 精神科-精神健康执业护士 (PMHNP) if…you want to be a true psychiatric/mental health specialist, 和 enjoy giving a voice to patients who are too often misunderstood. 对于获得行为健康实践经验或在社区精神卫生机构工作并希望继续在精神病学领域工作的护士来说,这是一个很好的途径.
  • 选择家庭执业护士(FNP)…你想在整个生命周期中专攻更广泛的家庭实践领域,更喜欢亲自动手照顾病人. You may pursue many different specialties in neonatal (NICU), 儿科 或者老年护理. 作为一名FNP,你将有一个强大的教育基础,以追求你在家庭实践中独特的职业道路. 了解更多关于Herzing大学的信息 MSN -家庭护士执业计划.

了解更多关于 the FNP与. PMHNP.

There is a difference between being licensed 和 certified. 成为一个认证的PMHNP向雇主展示你有能力在精神病院照顾病人. Licensure determines if you are legally allowed to practice in 你的 state of residence. 雇主在雇用PMHNP之前可能要求获得董事会认证,即使法律允许在没有认证的情况下执业.

每个州对执照都有自己的要求. You will need to find the requirements from 你的 state’s board of nursing.

We strongly recommend getting certified after graduating with 你的 degree. You’ll be in the best position to find a great job 和 follow 你的 career path in nursing.


认证 & 披露的信息

1. 护理学硕士学位课程, 护理实践博士(DNP)幸运28计划, 和研究生APRN证书课程由大学护理教育委员会( 赫京大学被批准通过与麦迪逊主校区合作,以在线学习方式提供课程, 威斯康辛州.


*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. Department of Labor, Occupational Employment 和 W年龄 Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook H和book 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, including prior experience, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

Eligible states for enrollment阿拉巴马州:, 阿拉斯加, 亚利桑那州, 阿肯色州, 加州, 科罗拉多州, 康涅狄格, 特拉华州, 佛罗里达, 乔治亚州, 夏威夷, 爱达荷州, 伊利诺斯州, 印第安纳州, 爱荷华州, 堪萨斯, 肯塔基州, 路易斯安那州, 缅因州, 马里兰, 麻萨诸塞州, 密歇根, 明尼苏达州, 密西西比州, 密苏里州, 蒙大拿, 内布拉斯加州, 内华达, 新汉普郡, 新泽西, 新墨西哥, 北卡罗莱纳, 北达科他, 俄亥俄州, 俄克拉何马州, 宾西法尼亚, 罗德岛州, 南卡罗来纳, 南达科塔州, 田纳西州, 德州, 佛蒙特州, 维吉尼亚州, 西维吉尼亚州, 威斯康辛州, 和 the District Of Columbia.

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